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How is the pinmapping of the 2pin Lemo Connector?
There are two different pin assignments for the 2-pin Lemo connector used as 12V output on Arri cameras and as input on Teradek cameras.
Arri uses the connector so that pin #1 is ground1) and pin #2 is voltage2). Pin #1 is located directly at the red dot on the plug or socket. All corresponding cables available in our shop are made this way.
Particularly in the US, the plug is sometimes use vice-versa, so that pin #1 is connected to voltage and pin #2 to ground.
To avoid damage to connected devices, we recommend to test the output before connecting the device. For this purpose we offer two suitable testers. One variant to test the output on a camera or a voltage distributor and one variant to test the output of a cable.
Here is an incomplete list of manufacturers and the used pinout (without guarantee!):
"Arri" Standard
US Standard